D800 Goes Back for the (second) "left-side AF Fix"

July 20, 2012  •  1 Comment

EDIT: the results of my tests on the second fix are now here.


The on-line reaction to the D800 Left Point AF Problem has been a fascinating lesson in human nature. People seem to fall into one of the following groups.

  1. I have it, it's the end of the world, Nikon are shit, how dare they?

  2. I have it, it's no biggie, I'll get it fixed whenever

  3. I fear I might have it but I'm not really sure how to test for it and I'm getting all anxious

  4. Everyone has it and those who don't know they have it are fools

  5. No one has it and those who think they do are amateurs, cry-babies or fools

  6. Almost no-one has it, it's hugely exaggerated, most people are panicking and that makes them fools

  7. I haven't got it so you can't, and if you think you have, you're a fool

  8. It won't exist until Nikon says it does, at which point I will go oddly quiet

  9. If you went to page blah blah blah of the manual you'd see that almost nothing is an 'appropriate focus target'


With both my D800 and D800E I have tested the left, middle and right point on both and nothing more: life is too short. I have ascertained to my complete satisfaction that the left points on both focus quite a way behind where they should and that is that.

The D800 first went to Nikon UK a few weeks ago and came back with the left side a bit better but the right side no longer accurate. That's bad: the right point is important because it is used in the studio for getting eyes in focus. I can live, short term with a bad left point but a bad right point is a no-no. And I have read of other people who have had similar experiences. 

So, having read of Ming Thein's luck in getting the 'New Fix" I called Nikon on Monday. They sent a courier Tuesday to collect (and I'm not even NPS). Wednesday I got an email saying it had been received. Thursday I got an email saying it was fixed and giving a tracking number for its return. Wow. And the camera is already on its way back, according to the tracking.

Boy that was fast. A lot faster than the first time, and there was me hearing through the 'vine that they were all backed up with repairs.

The docket says. 

"Check/adjust body focus to Nikon standard

Check, test and clean equipment "

No mention of any hardware replacement like some people have had. We'll see and I will report back. Fingers crossed!






Steve R(non-registered)
Hope you get it sorted mate!
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