Phase One IQ260 and IQ260 Achro Review

August 17, 2013  •  4 Comments

My field review of the two latest digital backs from Phase One is now published in issue #62 of On Landscape, the subscription-only site catering specifically to landscape photographers. In it, I look at the ergonomics and performance of the two backs, compare them to my own IQ180 and look in some depth at B&W shooting and in particular Infra Red work with the Achro, describing the often arcane knowledge and techniques needed to get the best results.


As I noted in my last blog post, I will be writing for On Landscape from time to time - the fee they pay will got to Photovoice and I do hope that some of you will take a moment to look at those parts of the On Landscape site that are free of charge and decide to take the plunge and subscribe for at least a short while. It's a great publication, featuring world-class image makers and covering a wide range of matters of interest to landscape photographers. It also has a mature and pleasant community of readers whose discussions are a cut above the online average!


Tim Ashley Studio
Hi Scott, I have the Sony on order and am currently looking at the e mount 16-70 f4 and Oly EM-1 so should have some new material soon...
Tim: You have been laying low or otherwise unavailable for quite long enough. Time for you to chime in on the venerable Sony A7R. I know you have a closet full of Leica glass, might be time to dust it off. Start with the 50 Lux please :)


Sydney Photographer(non-registered)
Really Beautiful. Great work Tim, keep it up!
That's a lovely shot, Tim.

I will certainly look at the On Landscape site.
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